The Bible of the Juicers is sacred! - JOIN juice bars
The Bible of the Juicers is sacred!

Yes, our Juicers have their own Bible! It is their own manual with all the necessary information they need as worthy assistants and conveyors of the JOIN Juice Bars, philosophy, such as the rules of the stores, the ways to communicate with the customers and the process of creation of the products. They “squeeze” it piously and it is always handy to them.

Some of the main issues covered are about the preparation of the stores, the cleaning of the fruit and vegetables, the way of serving the juices and the other products, the dress code, the music volume and the collaboration and team spirit of the Juicers.

The Juicers’ Bible was created to describe the outline of the working conditions at the stores, but first of all to help all the members of the team to fully understand the vision and the philosophy of JOIN Juice Bars and become a source of inspiration and fair cooperation in order to create a strong dream team which, first of all, knows, respects and loves what they do!

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