Feel the difference! - JOIN juice bars
Feel the difference!
Add colour to your plate, bring colour to your life!

If you want energy, wellbeing and a good physical condition add the necessary fruit and vegetable portions to your daily habits and feel the difference in your body, but most of all, in your mood!

Due to their high content of water, fruits and vegetables contribute to the right hydration of the body. They are the most important source of vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients such as carbohydrates, minerals and phytochemical substances with a dramatic contribution to the protection of the body and the basic organs from disease, and also to maintaining a good health . They help for a good weight balance, for healthy skin and hair, while their antioxidants protect the body from the free radicals, fighting the aging process and boosting the immune system.

At the same time they are great allies of the digestive and of the bone systems, keep the right level of the artery pressure and facilitate bowel movement due to their rich content of fiber. It is actually the perfect timing and combination of all these valuable elements that ensure the perfect mechanism of our body and provide it with the energy it needs.

For a healthy and balanced diet we are supposed to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. Combining every main meal with a colourful salad and snacking on one or two different fruits in between meals, on a daily basis, it is easy to reach this goal. Then again, if you are no great fan of fruit, the freshly squeezed juices and the smoothies are two alternatives to get to love them and include them in your everyday life.

Try new tastes,dare the most colourful combinations and give your body an energy boost to the maximum. The sure thing is it will pay back in the best possible way. 

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